Investigation of the Influence of Taheri Consciousness Fields on the pH of Pure Water in the Vicinity of Air

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Mohammad Ali Taheri
Firouz Payervand
Farzad Ahmadkhanlou
Sara Torabi
Farid Semsarha


Mind of Matter , Taheri Consciousness Fields , Water pH, Entropy, Gibbs Free Energy, Enthalpy


T-Consciousness Fields (TCFs) have been introduced by Mohammad Ali Taheri and the effects of these fields on living and non-living systems have been studied in various experiments. Taheri’s theory of Mind-of-Matter (Mental Body of Matter) has been discussed in the studies of the behavior of matter under the influence of T-Consciousness Fields. In the present study, changes in pH and temperature of pure water under the influence of three different TCFs have been investigated. Given that the environmental conditions and materials used in this study are the same for the control and the test samples, it is generally expected that all samples behave similarly in terms of pH and temperature of the solution. However, meaningful differences were observed between the behavior of the test samples and that of the control which necessitated performing thermodynamic calculations for better comparison. The results of this experiment, in addition to confirming the distinct effects of the TCFs, showed that: (1) the application of the TCFs has caused states with lower entropy to occur in the systems under the influence of TCFs; (2) The negligibly small difference between the enthalpy of the control and that of the test samples is indicative that there has been no energy transfer in the form of heat. And the energy available for sharing to the system under the influence of TCFs is considerably less than the amount required for conversion to mass. Hence, it seems that the application of TCFs and their interaction with the mind-of-matter have caused matter to transition from one mental state to another, and by assigning a new property appropriate to the new mental state, it has enabled matter to exhibit a new behavior.

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